7Days Soft Croissant Strawberry & Vanilla

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6 pack

Five Star Review:

These are really good. Fresh and lots of delicious filling. Very long expiration date. I got tired of driving around town looking for these and decided to try ordering a case. The price of the individual croissants was the same as the least expensive place in town. Shipping was fast and they were well packaged. I will definitely order these again!

Two Star Review:

My wife and I both love a good chocolate croissant. We have had freshly made ones, but during these pandemic days, it has been hard to go out to find them. I decided to give these a try. The taste and texture reminded me of the snacks I might buy at a gas station convenience store during an interminably long drive. The photo with my review clearly shows the ingredients list — something that is missing from the Amazon product page. Palm oil, high fructose corn syrup, vanillin arificial flavor; pretty much what any nutritionist writings says are bad for your health. Oh well, maybe they taste great??? NO. They taste artificial, the texture resembles a doughnut more than the flaky lightness of a croissant. We tried one unheated and right out of the package. Well, maybe that wasn’t a good representation. This was followed by heating in a microwave and then another heated in the oven. Nope — still not something I want to eat.

Maybe I’m just fussy, but I am not a finicky eater. Those quizzes that have you count points for food you won’t eat — well, I only get one or two points, because I eat almost anything edible, so fussy isn’t the problem. From other reviews, it seems many people like these, so feel free to give them a try, but my advice is to buy the minimal quantity to find out whether these are something you want to buy more of. Thankfully, I ordered the smallest package (I think it was 6). Great call on my part.


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